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Co to jest CSIRT NASK i czym się zajmuje? - Sapsan Sklep

What is CSIRT NASK and what does it do?

Cyber ​​threats are becoming more complex and widespread, which is why it is so important to have specialized teams that can effectively respond to security incidents. CSIRT NASK , or the Computer Security Incident Response Team at the national research institute, plays a significant role in protecting IT infrastructure in Poland. Discover how CSIRT works every day to protect us from the growing number of threats on the web.

What does CSIRT mean?

The abbreviation CSIRT comes from Computer Security Incident Response Team, which in Polish means Computer Security Incident Response Team . CSIRT is a specialized unit or an entire team of people responsible for managing and immediately responding to incidents related to computer security. CSIRT can operate at the organizational level (within a company or institution), industry level (for a specific industry sector) or national level (as a central unit for the entire country, such as CSIRT NASK Polska ). There are three CSIRT teams in Poland (in addition to CSIRT NASK, there is also CSIRT GOV and CSIRT MON).

NASK – what does it mean?

NASK ( Scientific and Academic Computer Network) is a research institute subordinate to the Ministry of Digital Affairs. It was founded in 1991 as part of the Warsaw University of Technology, and currently operates as an independent institution. What does it do? Its main task is to develop and manage the Internet infrastructure in Poland , but also, for example, conduct various research in the field of information and communication technology. NASK ( state research institute ) is also responsible for registering and managing the national Internet domain .pl and other regional domains, which is extremely important for the functioning of the Polish Internet. In order not to get lost in these abbreviations and all the information, it is worth simply remembering that NASK is one of the key entities in Poland responsible for ensuring the security of the Internet infrastructure, and CSIRT NASK is a team responding to security incidents in Poland, supporting organizations in managing various cyber threats.

As you can see, the state research institute NASK has a very wide range of activities, from the administration of Internet domains to scientific research in the field of information technology. It is one of the few research institutes in the world that has focused on integrating science with everyday Internet life from the beginning of its activity. As an institution with such comprehensive activities, NASK contributes not only to the protection of cyberspace, but also to the development of technologies that shape the future of the Internet in Poland and around the world.

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What tasks does a CSIRT perform?

In general, monitoring is one of the main tasks of CSIRT. What does it mean in practice? It is nothing more than continuous monitoring of systems and networks in order to detect potential threats and incidents . In addition, CSIRT responsibilities also include performing detailed analysis of suspicious and dangerous events , such as hacker attacks or viruses, to better understand their causes and effects. CSIRT tasks also include rapid response to incidents, which includes minimizing their effects, removing threats and restoring normal functioning of systems. Advising organizations on best security practices, security policies and protection strategies is another task assigned to NASK CSIRT . It is also worth mentioning the training of employees and organizations in the field of cybersecurity , raising awareness of threats and ways to avoid them.

Thanks to the activities of CSIRT NASK and the national research institute NASK , Poland can be sure that its digital borders are adequately protected against the growing threat of cyberattacks. The role of teams such as CSIRT NASK, but also CSIRT MON and CSIRT ORG, to which dangerous incidents can be reported, is invaluable. Their work not only secures the IT infrastructure, but also educates and prepares organizations for future challenges, providing them with the necessary tools for effective protection.

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