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Generator haseł. Czy to ma sens? - Sapsan Sklep

Password generator. Does this make sense?

Nowadays, we hear more and more often about data theft and leaks of passwords, e-mails and logins from various websites. Well, cybercriminals are becoming more and more sophisticated, and protecting our personal data has become a key part of our online lives. One of the basic protection tools is a strong (and, above all, long) password. Many password generators have recently become very popular . But is it worth using? Which password generator is best to choose? Let's find out.

Strong password – generator

Password generator is a tool that will automatically create random and complex passwords for you. It works on the principle of an algorithm that combines various characters - letters (lower and upper case), numbers and special symbols to create a unique and difficult to crack password. Do you really need this? Why can't you just set an easy-to-remember string of numbers like 12345? You need to know that a strong password is the first line of defense against cyberattacks. The more complicated and longer it is, the more difficult it will be to break. It is assumed that a password should be at least 12 characters long and contain a combination of letters, numbers and special symbols. However, even the longest password can be stolen through phishing or data leakage .

As a quick reminder: phishing is a technique in which criminals impersonate trusted people or institutions to obtain your login details. Data leakage may occur when the website we use is attacked and our data is stolen. YubiKey U2F hardware keys protect against such unpleasant situations .

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Where is the best place to save passwords?

The most recommended way to save passwords are programs that guarantee safe password storage, and sometimes also, among others, additional functions such as password sharing and leak checking (password managers). These types of programs encrypt data so that it is protected against unauthorized access. However, do not forget about the most important rules for safe password storage:

  • do not save passwords in the browser - even if a laptop or phone is used only by one person and no one else has access to these devices, saving passwords in browsers is still not a safe solution. Data stored in the web browser's memory can still be stolen by cybercriminals;
  • use two-step verification (2FA) - even the best password can be stolen, so it is worth using additional authentication methods, such as hardware keys (e.g. YubiKey Bio C (Fido edition) ) or applications that generate one-time codes;
  • create unique passwords for each account - do not use the same password for multiple accounts. Use a password generator .

What program to store passwords?

Password storage programs we recommend include:

  • 1Password – a paid password manager that offers advanced features such as data breach monitoring, application integration, and a convenient user interface.

  • Bitwarden – a free password manager (with a premium option) that works on an open source basis and is highly trusted by the community. It also offers a strong password generator feature .

Strong password generator – summary

To sum up, does a password generator make sense? Definitely yes! A strong password generator creates passwords that are difficult to guess and crack. People often choose passwords that are easy to remember, but unfortunately they are also easy for cybercriminals to guess. A password generator eliminates this problem by creating complex passwords that are much more secure. However, to avoid the risk of phishing and password leaks, it is worth using additional hardware keys, e.g. YubiKey Bio C or YubiKey Bio (Fido edition) . Also check out the process of connecting similar keys to Facebook or Instagram in the entry: first time with Yubico . If you have any questions, we are at your disposal and please contact us.

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