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Spoofing – co to i jak nie zostać jego ofiarą? - Sapsan Sklep

Spoofing – what is it and how to avoid becoming its victim?

Spoofing has recently become one of the most insidious tools used by fraudsters. Elderly people are mainly at risk, but they are not the only ones! In this article, we will take a closer look at what spoofing is , how to recognize it, and what steps to take to effectively protect yourself against it.

What does spoofing mean?

Spoofing in Polish means falsification, and a spoofer is a forger or a person who pretends to be someone else. Spoofing – what is it ? This is a fraud involving the modification or falsification of identification data, i.e.:

  • email addresses,
  • phone numbers,
  • IP addresses.

All this to mislead the victim, gain their trust and obtain necessary access to valuable data or systems .

What is a spoofing attack?

We present how a spoofing attack works and what it actually means for the victim. Remember that spoofing can take many forms, and each of them uses different techniques and communication channels . Here is an overview of the most common types with examples.

  • Telephone spoofing – occurs when the attacker changes the telephone number that is displayed on the recipient's screen. Thanks to this, the recipient sees a number that looks official or trusted, e.g. the number of a bank or official. An example of a spoofing call : you receive a call that appears to be from your bank, where an "employee" informs you about problems with your account and asks you to provide personal information or install software. Once you do this, it takes control of your device and then fraudsters can easily take your money.

  • Email spoofing – fraudsters change the headers and sender field in an email to make it look like it was sent from a trusted and known institution. The target is, for example, a phishing attack . It might look like this: you receive an email purporting to be from your bank asking you to click a link and log in to "verify" your account. The link takes you to a fake login page that steals your details.
  • SMS spoofing – a fraudster impersonates another phone number in SMS messages. The SMS spoofing gateway tool allows you to prepare the sender's number to make it look authorized or known.
  • DNS spoofing attackers manipulate DNS records to redirect users to fake websites, even though they entered the correct address into the browser. Example: you visit your favorite, trusted website, but due to a manipulated DNS, you are redirected to a fake website that looks very similar to the real one, but was designed to, for example, steal your login details.
  • These types of attacks are becoming more and more common in large companies, which is why they employ cybersecurity specialists who use various multi-tools (e.g. Packet Squirrel Mark II ) to conduct penetration tests, i.e. simulated attacks on computer systems, networks and applications. to identify their weaknesses and security gaps against actual external attacks. Of course, it is very important to educate employees and sensitize them to the phenomenon of spoofing.

    Also check out what skimming is all about on the Sapsan blog .

    How to protect yourself against spoofing?

    Here are some tips to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of phone spoofing and more.

    • Educate yourself on the latest threats and techniques used by cybercriminals to better recognize and avoid potential attacks.
    • Don't be fooled by time pressure ! Be alert to any data requests that require an immediate response, whether they are made by phone, text, or email. Scammers are counting on you to make a mistake in your rush.
    • If you have any doubts about the authenticity of a phone number, end the call and contact the organization yourself by entering its number manually on your phone.
    • Be alert to situations that may cause anxiety. Scammers often ask for sensitive information such as passwords, account details or personal details right after starting a conversation and try to put pressure on you. In such cases, stay calm; If something is bothering you, end the conversation.
    • Keep your passwords safe and use two-step verification. Download applications only from reliable sources. Update your hardware and software regularly, and use antivirus software.

    What are the penalties for spoofing?

    Spoofing is a crime which, depending on the circumstances, may be punishable by imprisonment from 3 months to even 5 years . Those convicted of spoofing may also be deprived of the opportunity to perform certain professions , especially those related to IT or data management. In some cases, the court may impose a ban on activities in the technology or financial industry, and as part of the investigation and legal proceedings, the authorities have the right to seize computer equipment and other devices used to commit the crime . In Poland, spoofing is prosecuted under the provisions on fraud (Article 286 of the Penal Code), misrepresentation (Article 287) and provisions on unauthorized access to IT systems (Article 267).

    What is the difference between phishing and spoofing?

    Spoofing and phishing – these concepts are not synonyms. These are different techniques used in cyberattacks, although they are often related. Spoofing is often used in various types of phishing attacks, but it is not synonymous with the concept of phishing. Spoofing involves falsifying identification data, and phishing is a technique of obtaining information. Spoofing can be used as part of phishing, e.g. by impersonating a real e-mail address in order to carry out a phishing attack, but it can also occur on its own, in order to disrupt the operation of systems or steal identity.
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