Specna Arms (BAOFENG) Shortie-82 5W CORDLESS RADIO

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📦 In stock - Shipping on Monday :)
Shortie-82 was created in cooperation with Baofeng and is the so-called duobander , i.e. a radio that operates in two frequency ranges - VHF and UHF. However, double band is not all that this device has to offer. In the model Shortie-82 more elements were doubled making it a very universal tool for radio communication both in the air, on land and at sea.
- PTT button that allows you to change the transmission channel without the need to manually switch channels,
- FM radio will automatically switch from reception in the 76-108MHz range as soon as a signal is received on the selected VFO A and B channels,
- the ability to operate on a selected band, on two different frequencies (transmission / listening on the main frequency + listening on the auxiliary frequency),
- transmission lock on a busy channel,
- voice confirmation of the operation,
- manual keypad lock,
- energy saving mode,
- programming from a computer via RS or USB,
- most of the functions have assigned keyboard shortcuts, so there is no need to break through the multi-level menu each time,
- illuminated LCD screen which, apart from alphanumeric characters, also displays icons confirming the status of most of the built-in functions,
- housing made of a thick layer of hard plastic which significantly increases the mechanical resistance,
- work in the temperature range from -20 * C up to + 60 * C,
- Features of Shortie-82: